About the procedure
Breast reduction or breast reduction is an operation that reduces the volume of oversized breasts, corrects the asymmetry between the two sides, and corrects the position of drooping breasts, which achieves harmonization in relation to your body figure. Also, the advantage of this operation is the reduction of pain in the neck and back, as well as the disappearance of unpleasant indentations left by your bra on the shoulders, as a result of too heavy breasts, and it enables you to return to sports activities more easily. The final result is the effect of lifting the breasts, which restores the youthful appearance and position of the breasts.
After the initial consultation with the surgeon, it is necessary to perform a preoperative treatment in the sense of USG (ultrasound) or MMG (mammography) of the breasts, in order to rule out irregularities of the glandular tissue of the breasts. It is also necessary to do a complete blood count, biochemistry and coagulogram, as well as an EKG. It is recommended to stop smoking at least 3 months before the mentioned procedure, so that unwanted complications in terms of necrosis (death) of the skin or wart do not occur.
Procedure before the surgery
The operation is performed under general anesthesia, with minimal postoperative discomfort.
The most commonly used incision in this operation is an anchor-shaped scar (reversed T), which is positioned in the natural crease under the breast and thus nicely hidden. Depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed, as well as the initial position of the areola-nipple complex, it is possible to reduce the breast using several breast tissue remodeling techniques, and the choice is always individualized according to your needs, in order to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Silicone or rubber drains are used regularly to reduce the possibility of postoperative bleeding or hematoma formation, and are removed after the initial 24 hours.
Procedure after the surgery
Postoperatively, the patient stays with us for the first 24 hours, in order to receive all the necessary care and attention. After removing the drains, it is necessary to wear a soft supportive bra for the next 6 weeks (23 hours a day), in order to maintain the new shape of the breasts during the initial healing phase and reduce the possibility of tissue swelling. Also, sometimes due to a more extensive procedure, it is possible to feel a decrease in sensation in the area of the nipple, however, it recovers over the course of a few months and does not pose a problem in possible breastfeeding later.