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Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a medical procedure that chemically removes the surface layer of the skin, which enables re-epithelialization, that is, the creation of a new layer of surface cells. After chemical peeling, the skin gets a fresher look, wrinkles are reduced, hyperpigmentation, keratoses and other skin irregularities are removed.

After the treatment, it is not good to expose the skin to the sun and therefore it is recommended to do the procedure in autumn, winter or spring.


The method of choice for skin renewal, or as Americans call it 'HEALTHY GLOW', is chemical peeling with TCA acid (trichloroacetic acid). The use of a 30-35% TCA acid solution achieves an even removal of the surface layer of the epithelium, which removes surface pigmentation, keratotic skin changes, reduces skin wrinkles and stimulates collagen production, achieving better facial tightening. The effect of such chemical peels lasts up to two years, and the procedure itself takes about 15 minutes, without the need for anesthesia, while recovery lasts 4-6 days.



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